Got myself out of bed early this morning to get to the Vox Populi record fair on time-- though I only had thirty bucks at my disposal, I believe I came out with some real gems. Here's a list and some comments-- look forward to some selections from these being posted in the next couple of days!
- Best of House Music Volume One (Profile Records)
The double LP version that I got isn't listed on Discogs, which is somewhat surprising. Contains tracks by Marshall Jefferson, Screamin' Rachael, Hercules, and so on.
- Liddell Townsell- Party People Jack Your Body (Trax Records)
Note the extra 'D' in Mr. Townsell's first name. A classic, with production by Adonis, among others.
- Hashim- Al-Naafiysh (The Soul) (Cutting Records)
The original 1983 pressing of this instant electro-breaks classic. In good shape, too, especially for $3!
- Sylvester- Step II (Fantasy Records)
I'm gay, and I love Sylvester. You should too, even if you're not batting for my team.
- Fania All Stars- Habana Jam (Fania Records)
An apparently rare record by the old Fania Records star composers and players. No presence on Discogs, either!
- Black Moon- Who Got the Props (Nervous Records)
One of the first releases on Nervous, this is the 1992 re-pressing. Good shit!
- Coldcut- Doctorin' the House (Ahead of Our Time)
One of the classics of UK acid house, I got my hands on a copy of this version for a mere dollar, and the record itself is in mint condition.
- Funkadelic- One Nation Under a Groove (Warner Brothers)
Figured I ought to have this-- in great shape, super-cheap.
- The Universal Robot Band- Freak in the Light of the Moon (Red Greg Records)
Another somewhat rare find, this group included Leroy Burgess. "Doing Anything Tonight" is one of my favorite disco-soul stompers. Really excited about this one.
- The Westland Steel Band- The Sound of the Sun Nonesuch
From the Explorer series, this record isn't on Discogs either. Perfect condition, bought mainly for sampling purposes.
Made out pretty well, huh? Look forward to the Universal Robot Band tomorrow!