After a break in year-end lists in 2008, I am happy to present my top fourteen music boners of 2009. These are all singles (or singles culled from larger works) that appeared high on my iTunes Most Played list, or simply those I consider the most interesting music of the year. Some, if not most, have mp3s attached, except in cases where it seems a bit superfluous. So, on with it, and remember to SUPPORT THESE ARTISTS.

1. Teengirl Fantasy "Love Don't Live Here" (Dick Move)
I know, Logan and Nick from Teengirl Fantasy are good friends of mine, so it might seem a bit unfair to name this the track of the year. But you know what? Fuck being fair. This is the most played song on my iTunes, the most spun 12" from the past few months on my decks, and genuinely the piece that gets stuck in my head the most. From their first official show in Oberlin (which was awesome, by the way) to insane European tours and mentions in BUTT magazine (among others), these boys got it going on.
Teengirl Fantasy- Love Don't Live Here

2. All Leather "I Don't Hate Fags, God Does" (Dim Mak)
I posted the video of this track a while back. For some reason, I totally adore this band, and though people have laughed at me for it, I'm not really one to care that much. The lyrics (after a bit of deciphering) are totally bizarre, transgressive, sexy, anti-capitalist rants. And there's so much bile in Justin Pearson's screaming that listening to All Leather is sort of like someone throwing up in your ears. In a good way.
All Leather- I Don't Hate Fags, God Does

3. Ancient Methods "Else (Ugandan Methods Mix)" (Ancient Methods)
Another weird one. Intense, stripped-down techno with an industrial bent that just fucking slams. If you're ever up at six in the morning and want to stay awake, just turn off all of the lights and play this polyrhythmic, raw-as-hell filth until your ears bleed.
Ancient Methods- Else (Ugandan Methods Mix)

4. Culoe De Song "African Subway" (Innervisions)
The tech-house wunderkind of the year, Culoe De Song's first EP actually lived up to the hype. However, "African Subway" was pushed aside by "The Bright Forest," which seems a bit cloth-eared to me since this piece is more interesting rhythmically and melodically, as well as being infinitely more anthemic.
Culoe De Song- African Subway

5. Lusine "Two Dots" (Ghostly International)
If you aren't singing along with this track by its mid-point, there's something wrong with you.
Lusine- Two Dots

6. Jackpot "Night Flight" (Rvng)
The Scandinavians continued to bring the disco insanity this year, and this piece by Jackpot sounds like it could have come out of the golden age of Italo. All that it needs now are some ridiculous lyrics, and you'd have the perfect throwback, replete with bouncing bass and lush synth groovage.
Jackpot- Night Flight

7. Azari & III "She's An Illusion" (I'm A Cliche)
Another Italo-inspired piece that also has some serious debts to pay to Detroit. Though "Reckless With Your Love" and "Hungry for the Power" are a bit more my style of well-produced gay diva house, something about "She's An Illusion" is really special.
Azari & III- She's An Illusion

8. Girls "Lust for Life" (True Panther)
As I type this, I'm in an airplane 37,000 feet over Colorado. I'm listening to this song, and I already want to insist that they turn the plane back because leaving the Bay Area is something that feels good in theory, but in practice, kind of sucks shit (in the bad kind of way). This song IS California, as far as I'm concerned, and I can't wait to get back so I can cruise around Oakland on my bike blasting this like I have during the past few months. Check the NSFW video below, featuring a cast of Bay Area miscreant homos and gender-fucks, including Hunx and Alexis from SORE.
Yes. Some of these songs are really great. I was ready to get all pessimistic about the iffy quality of many year-end lists (http://www.factmagazine.co.uk/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4134&Itemid=103). I haven't really been on top of the new releases this year so thanks for showing me some great music really was made in 2009.
No offense, but I thought you were gay, dude. Based on the homoerotic pics in the past.
thank you soo much dood!!!im blushing
hey aditya, uh... maybe my sarcasmeter is off, but to confirm, i am a queer. don't really get what yr post is meant to be doing either way.
i came here from your comment on joe my god. great site and i love you have mp3s for dl. thanks for some sweet music and witty commentary. i'll definately come back. :)
also, is your subtitle from the arthur russell song? i'm an oldie who remembers this from paradise garage.
hughman, yes, it's a reference to the Arthur Russell track... you're the first to mention it, funnily enough, though I'm sure others have noticed.
thanks for reading! hope to see you around in the future.
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